Captivating NYT graphic |
So forget global warming and climate change for the moment, right? Even if you are a "climate skeptic" (and it is difficult for me to give you that), one walk around office blocks or residential communities here in India will (not scientifically, but still) show you how there is more latent demand for 'AC' units in any one major Indian city than all of the continental US. The problem, as highlighted by the recent epic failure of two major grids in Northern India, is that there just isn't enough power to fuel all those ACs (which are increasingly affordable)!
The article also points out that air conditioning isn't a nice to have feature any more either - there are plenty of studies showing it helps human beings be more productive at work and have better health overall (when used 'correctly'). Anecdotal evidence suggests also that a lot of modern architecture, obsessed as it is with fitting as many people into as little space as possible in offices and in homes, actually demands air conditioning to make the buildings habitable!
So what is to be done?